>Ecouter la bande sonore #Contaminations1 Espace Van Gogh - Arles >Voir l'Exposition #Contaminations1

Contaminations is a trilogy built as a tryptic on three different places :

Arles #Contaminations 1
Avignon #Contaminations 2
Aix en Provence #Contaminations 3

Those three experimental and demonstrative exhibitions will each work independently but they will constitute a whole at the end of the project.

The main theme of the project will be the Place.

The idea of Contamination will be approached from three fundamental angles :

  • The posture of each artists as well as the way of impacting on each other according to particular means implemented.
  • The influence that exists between the artists whether they are from the past or contemporary.
  • The space that the bodies and the creations of the artists will occupy within the creation space.

From the simple and approachable concept of drawing, the work in progress in Arles will develop the artistic experimentation in the presentation space. The drawing will try to contaminate the whole space to offer a contemporary and singular immersion to the visitor.

Interactive interventions from guest artists (Poets, Visual Artists, Musicians…) as well as the public will accompany and enrich the four-hands artwork of this work in progress.

Lucile Travert and Chris Voisard will try to bridge the major faces of the Art History but also those from literature, photography and generally all the artists for which the city of Arles sustain a memory work.

In the globalization era, contamination does not only mean the introduction of pathogens in a medium.
Lucile Travert and Chris Voisard will try to prove that a positive contamination is not only possible but also salutary.

>Voir l'Exposition #Contaminations1

>Ecouter la bande sonore #Contaminations1 Espace Van Gogh - Arles



+33(0)6 83 60 41 81

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Atelier cour du château
84360 Lauris en Luberon